Tagged: 2022s

Prague Shibari Festival 18-20.3.2022

Schedule, preparty, change of presenter

The festival schedule is now online – see www.pragueshibari.com/2022/schedule-2022-spring/. If you are in Prague already on Thursday evening, come to our pre-party starting at 20:30 (originally scheduled at 21:30). This year it is happening...

Kameko – Announcing presenter

Kameko has been doing shibari since 2015. At first, she started as a model, today she devotes herself to both sides of the rope, but mostly focuses on selftie (tying herself). She has made...

Prague Shibari Festival 18-20.3.2022

Last minute tickets available

Due to COVID-19 cancellations there are few last minute tickets available. Buy them at https://www.pragueshibari.com/events/prague-shibari-festival-2022-spring/.

Prague Shibari Festival 18-20.3.2022

COVID-19: Entry and measures for spring 2022

Entry to the Czech republic Travellers arriving by car have no obligations. No tests, certificates, Locator Form, etc. All other travellers are are requested to fill out Public Health Passenger Locator Form at plf.uzis.cz...

Prague Shibari Festival 18-20.3.2022

Useful information

Venue As we will ventilate the space a lot, consider warmer clothes. There are enough mats at the venue. Location Main train station Hlavní nádraží and bus station Florenc is walking distance (1-1,5 km,...

Soptik & Sansei– Announcing presenter

Soptik is a bondage teacher and event organizer. He created his first educational website with information on rope bondage in 2000. After ten years of self-education, had met Kinoko Hajime who became his first...

StrangeLove & sansumi – Announcing presenter

StrangeLove started exploring japanese rope in 2003 and never stopped.In 2013 sansumi joined and since then they´ve shared life, kinks anddreams and created their own personal way of rope. Their play and theirtying are...

Romaine & Milena – Announcing presenter

Romaine is a Swiss-based rigger and model. She started her journey in ropes about 15 years ago as a model and quickly discovered that tying is at least as much fun. She’s still enjoying...

Frllilly & Seilartig – Announcing presenter

We both studied Shibari at the Kinbaku Dojo Berlin. Since 2017 we have been giving weekly lessons there. Kinbaku Dojo teaches an old style of osada ryu. Now we teach our interpretation resulting from...

Kurogami & Shiawase – Announcing presenter

Kurogami & Shiawase are a couple since 2014 and they live in Milan, Italy. Their passion for Japanese rope bondage started at the end of 2016, when they met for the first time Riccardo...