Category: performer

Performances 2016 / Vystoupení 2016

There will be two performance nights during the festival. We composed the program so every performance on each night will be different. / Součástí festivalu budou dva večery vystoupení. Připravili jsme program tak, aby...

Caritia – Announcing performer / Ohlášení hosta

(Czech version below / Česká verze níže) Caritia is a wildly erotic, London born, Berlin-based artist/creative of Afro-Caribbean descent, with over 18 years of experience in BDSM. A conscious kink practitioner, a lifestyle Dominant,...

Soptik – Announcing perfomer / Ohlášení hosta

(Czech version below / Česká verze níže) Soptik is a bondage teacher and event organizer. He created his first educational website with information on rope bondage in 2000. After ten years of self-education, had...