Soptik – Announcing perfomer 2017

Soptik is a bondage teacher and event organizer. He created his first educational website with information on rope bondage in 2000. After ten years of self-education, had met Kinoko Hajime who became his first teacher of Japanese bondage. Afterwards, his tying was shaped by Osada Steve and Kanna; however, Kinoko Ryu is still his first choice for most of his rope partners. A year later, he started teaching regular bondage workshops and have kept this hobby till today.

In the meantime, he met two other teachers who influenced him greatly. The first was Yoroi Nicolas who taught him movement, intimacy, and simplicity in ropes. The second and the most influential was Riccardo Wildties. He introduced Naka Ryu to him.

You can find out more about his workshops at

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