Workshop registration lottery 2018

Workshop registration lottery 2018

Some workshops require registration. It concerns only workshops in Space A and mostly advanced workshops. The whole process has two rounds:

  1. online lottery – that is were you are right now,
  2. personal registration at the festival if you don’t succeed in online round or change your mind.

See details at Workshops registration process 2018.


As there are usually slightly more people willing to participate than places, we decided to make online registration in the form of lottery.

The whole procedure is simple:

  1. You choose workshops you would like to attend in the form below and send it. It does not matter when you submit registration. Just do it till 25.9.2018. All submissions will be equal regardless of date.
  2. On 26.9. 2018 we enter collected registrations to our lottery system that allocates places to individual registrants. We will inform you at latest on 27.9.2018 which workshops you are registered for.

Immediately after submitting registration form you will receive Booking Pending email. If you don’t receive such mail, the form was not most likely sent and you have to send it again! (But check your spam box first.)

If you don’t succeed, you can still try to register personally in the second round. And of course you can still come to the workshop and watch!

Registration rules

  • One registration equals to one couple.
  • E-mail address has to match the one used in registration to the festival. Check you mail to see which one did you use.
  • If there are multiple registrations for the same e-mail address we will just choose one of them or reject them all.
  • You can leave message in Comment field if there is something important you need to communicate such as mistakes in previous form submissions, etc.
  • Please don’t ask questions in Comment field or more precisely – you can ask but no one will answer them.
  • There is no registration for workshop Pilar Aldea & Nehra Stella: Tying to scare, to laugh, to cry, to excite… even if it is in space A.

How it works

Our lottery system will process registrations and try to allocate places in fair manner and only when there are more registrants than available places it will use random element to decide. Example: If you really want to attend workshop Kasumi Hourai: Suspension from my works:

  • If you register online only this workshop you will more likely get there then someone else who registered two workshops.
  • If there are other 20 couples who do the same, system will allocate places in random manner. You may end up with zero success.

So yes, it is still gamble. That is why we call it a lottery.

The form below will be closed on 25.09.2018 at 23:59.


No available booking.