Asimira & Olivia – Announcing presenters
Asimira (NL) encountered ropes during her art school graduation project, it sparked new fire in her old fascinations with touch and anatomy and eventually inspired her to become a physiotherapist. She is a rope switch and uses her understanding of the human body on both sides of the fiber. Playfulness, movement and touch are more important to her than complicated technical ties. Beauty and pleasure are deeply intertwined for her due to her history as an illustrator, model and photographer. She takes pleasure from making something beautiful out of someone for her own viewing pleasure.
Olivia (DE) is a Berlin-based rope model. She started her rope journey as a model in 2017, and has recently started investing more in her skills as a rigger. Her passion in aerial sports has positively influenced her strengths in ropes, as has skills obtained while modeling for various rope workshops. In ropes she is drawn to the versatile engagement of body and mind, and the mix of artistry and erotic elements.
Asimira and Olivia’s paths crossed repeatedly over the years but it wasn’t until early 2023 that they really connected. Their combined energies make for a soft and playful combination, based in moving together on both a physical and emotional level. Both of them being switches means their content has a strong focus on the perspective of both tops and bottoms.
Find out more about them at Instagram @Asimira and @Olivia.
Pressure Pleasure
(Workshop level: L1-3)
Pressure is an unavoidable part of practicing rope, whether we’re talking about compressing the body to itself, the pressure of the ropes to the body or the pressure of one body onto another. Often when we talk about pressure it is in relation to pain (think pressure points), but pressure can also be a very pleasurable sensation. In this workshop we will look at ways to apply pressure in a rope scene in pleasurable ways.
(Workshop level: L3)
We will zoom in on the anatomy of the spine and how to safely move it (both from a top and a bottom perspective). We will work with backbends, and if time allows move into twists and/or forward folds.
Pain (management)
(Workshop level: L1-3)
In this workshop we will dive into pain theory to create a deeper understanding of what pain is on a physiological level. We then take this theoretical knowledge and provide tools and exercises on how to incorporate this into our practice of ropes and kink. With a strong focus on pain management for bottoms, whether they identify as a masochist or quite the opposite. Tops will be invited to play with different ways of implementing pain and how they can consciously assist or hinder pain-processing.
For my viewing pleasure
(Workshop level: L3)
Having combined rope with my work as a nude model, aesthetics have been an integral part of my practice from the very beginning. I take pleasure from making something that I find beautiful to look at, despite or possibly partly because of the discomfort this might put my partner in. This workshop will be very hands-on and challenge you to think about what you find beautiful, in general and in the person you are with right now. Bottoms will be invited to channel into what it means to them to feel beautiful, how this can be achieved and how feeling this or quite the opposite influences their headspace.