Our headliner is WykD Dave a Clover
We are proud to announce that our headliner is WykD Dave a Clover.
WykD Dave is a rigger from the UK who has in the past few years been teaching and performing throughout the world with his partner Clover. His work has appeared in films, music videos, international fashion magazines and even in Paris’s Louvre gallery. Tying models from local kinksters and friends with no modeling experience to internationally known stars like FKA Twigs and Lady Gaga.His teaching has revolutionized rope bondage for many students around the world as he shares his own take on what’s important to learn and understand about rope. His views are the result of years of experience, analysis and thought after tying, teaching and performing all over the world. He almost always teaches with his partner Clover providing her perspective as a rope bottom and believes that education for bottoms is just as important as for tops. Time and experience are constantly changing and evolving his bondage and his classes making them a different experience every time. It is his proud boast to have created some of the most copied rope bondage classes in the world.He has also accomplished the rare and almost unique feat of having created ties and techniques that are now used and taught in Japan.
You can find Dave and Clover at Rope-topia.